Experience makes us different
Tailor-made searches

Transparency in negotiations

Real Valuations

Previous contact with the client to determine needs and requirements

Tour of different city districts and suburban areas more appropriate for the assignee family residence
Visit of houses after a previous selection

Negotiation of conditions, discussion and signing of contracts

Follow-up of required and agreed-on repairs

Assistance when taking possession of chosen house as well as returning it

Temporary accommodation
Relocation & Real Estate

Albarellos 739, Acassuso
Prov. de Buenos Aires • Argentina
Tel.: (5411) 4747-8828 /
(54 9 11) 4528-1427
Responsable: Corredora Pública Alicia de la Cárcova (SI 3667)
Copyright 2006 Welcome Relocation & Real Estate • All rights reserved
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